Leyla Aylin
A little bit about my work ~
Although my work is largely Depth & Jungian in nature, I pull from many other traditions and training as well, along with hard-earned lived experience. I earned a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Holistic Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth & Jungian Psychology & Buddhist Psychology from John F. Kennedy University.
I trained as a psychotherapist and practiced for a time, but stepped away in part to work outside the limitation of "treating/curing/solving" which, while at times can be necessary, at other times can be what gets in the way of following one's own unique path, and honoring the profound mystery and uncertainty of life. I cannot know how my clients should live their lives, but I will explore with them, allowing their own way to unfold.
Much of my own experience comes from living through many harrowing, and sometimes near fatal, health struggles, including a brain hemorrhage at the age of 16, along with long periods of chronic pain, profound and humbling spiritual experiences and the hard work of being human.
Instrumental in helping me deepen into these experiences, and extract morsels of wisdom from them, has been the mentorship of several incredible people. All of whom I'm eternally grateful for.
Among these mentors has been Thomas Elsner, Ph.D, Jungian Psychoanalyst, professor and author, and Dr. Meredith Sabini, Psychologist, dream researcher, author and founder of the Dream Institute of Northern California.
My deepest gratitude to them, and the many other compassionate and wise people who helped me on my path. And to everyone who does the hard work of showing up for soul...it is needed and it is inspiring...and I thank you.