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Discovering Your Calling:
A Different Take
Daylong Workshop


Calling and vocation are not really what popular culture or popular spirituality make it out to be.



It's not the singular, laser-focused, hyper-masculine ideal it's promoted as.


Not a crystal clear, unchanging niche we devote our lives to.


Or a thing to find once and for all, that we often just can't seem to.


 It's not one job, or the promise of success, acclaim or happiness.


In fact, these false beliefs can lead you astray,


away from the thing you are underneath-it-all trying find:





These beliefs just keep you chasing after something elusive,

perpetually unfulfilled,

feeling like you must be doing something wrong.

Or worse, that there is something wrong with you.

(There isn't.)

The thing is, true calling is just about becoming more and more yourself.

(As simple and difficult as that is.)


From there, your gifts and service to the world naturally emerge.


This is where I can help.

Marin Jungian Therapist Bay Area San Rafael Therapist Jungian Therapy IFS Therapist Internal Family Systems Mill Valley Depth Therapist Spiritual Therapist Therapist Relationships Counseling Bay Area Marin Therapy Dream Group Women's Group Berkeley Therapy Highly Sensitive Therapist Relationships Marin Mill Valley Highly Sensitive Counseling Bay Area Burn Out Therapist Vulnerability Empathy Therapist Bay Area Marin San Francisco Jungian IFP San Francisco Internal Family Systems Dream Work Marin Jungian Therapist Bay Area San Rafael Therapist Jungian Therapy IFS Therapist Internal Family Systems Mill Valley Depth Therapist Spiritual Therapist Therapist Relationships Counseling Bay Area Marin Therapy Dream Group Women's Group Berkeley Therapy Highly Sensitive Therapist Relationships Marin Mill Valley Highly Sensitive Counseling Bay Area Burn Out Therapist Vulnerability Empathy Therapist Bay Area Marin San Francisco Jungian IFP San Francisco Internal Family Systems Dream WorkMarin Jungian Therapist Bay Area San Rafael Therapist Jungian Therapy IFS Therapist Internal Family Systems Mill Valley Depth Therapist Spiritual Therapist Therapist Relationships Counseling Bay Area Marin Therapy Dream Group Women's Group Berkeley Therapy Highly Sensitive Therapist Relationships Marin Mill Valley Highly Sensitive Counseling Bay Area Burn Out Therapist Vulnerability Empathy Therapist Bay Area Marin San Francisco Jungian IFP San Francisco Internal Family Systems Dream WorkMarin Jungian Therapist Bay Area San Rafael Therapist Jungian Therapy IFS Therapist Internal Family Systems Mill Valley Depth Therapist Spiritual Therapist Therapist Relationships Counseling Bay Area Marin Therapy Dream Group Women's Group Berkeley Therapy Highly Sensitive Therapist Relationships Marin Mill Valley Highly Sensitive Counseling Bay Area Burn Out Therapist Vulnerability Empathy Therapist Bay Area Marin San Francisco Jungian IFP San Francisco Internal Family Systems Dream WorkMarin Jungian Therapist Bay Area San Rafael Therapist Jungian Therapy IFS Therapist Internal Family Systems Mill Valley Depth Therapist Spiritual Therapist Therapist Relationships Counseling Bay Area Marin Therapy Dream Group Women's Group Berkeley Therapy Highly Sensitive Therapist Relationships Marin Mill Valley Highly Sensitive Counseling Bay Area Burn Out Therapist Vulnerability Empathy Therapist Bay Area Marin San Francisco Jungian IFP San Francisco Internal Family Systems Dream Work



This workshop is an antidote to this false, counterproductive idea of calling. 


This workshop is a space to reconnect to and trust yourself.

So that you can follow your true calling

- the truth of who you are and all you have to offer the world -

as it evolves, day by day. 

This deepening workshop will support you in:


  • shedding false beliefs and limiting ideas around calling. So you can soften into yourself and let your life and calling unfold as it is meant to. Embracing whatever that looks like.


  • learning what calling really means, and how it shows up


  • discerning the difference between what your ego and the cultural 'shoulds' want of you, and what your deepest self desires. 


  • exploring your life myth, the themes and patterns that keep showing up for you, what captures your imagination, love, longing, dreams, even your envy.  All as ways of listening to where psyche is energized, and what this says about where you are meant to put your conscious attention, and how you can best serve the world. 


  • discovering what living a beautiful, fulfilled life means to you specifically, and how to live aligned with that.


  • forgiving and embracing your life, for how it has or hasn't turned out thus far, and wherever it is going. Freeing up space to find the magic, beauty and calling already there, if just unnoticed.




Workshop Details: Coming SoonIf you'd like to be notified of this workshop date & further details, please sign up here:

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© Leyla Aylin, & Midwives of the Soul, 2019. Marin Country, CA, USA.

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